Experience the Pinnacle of Cigar Preservation
Discover the ultimate in cigar preservation with our luxury electric cigar humidor. Featuring advanced technologies, this modern electric humidor ensures precise control of humidity and temperature, essential conditions to maintain your cigars in pristine condition. Perfect for discerning aficionados, it offers a perfect balance between modernity and performance. With the best cigar humidor capabilities, your collection is always in optimal condition.
Elegant Design that Complements Any Interior
Not only is it functional, our electric cigar humidor shines with its refined aesthetics. Crafted with steel, tempered glass, and cedar wood finishes, it fits seamlessly into any office or living room decor. Its modern and sleek design makes it a true piece of art that enhances the space while preserving your precious cigars. Elevate your interior with a luxury cigar humidor that doubles as a sophisticated decor item.
Advanced Features for Optimal Preservation
Equipped with electronic humidification and cooling systems, our electric cigar humidor ensures perfect preservation of your cigars at an ideal temperature range of 50 to 64°F. It comes with an accurate hygrometer, allowing you to monitor and adjust the humidity to guarantee the freshness of your cigars. This best electric cigar humidor is designed for those who demand the highest standards in cigar care.
Capacity and Features for Every Cigar Enthusiast
Whether you are a collector or an occasional enthusiast, this luxury electric cigar humidor meets all your needs with a storage capacity of approximately 450 cigars. It includes multiple adjustable shelves, making it easy to organize your collection and access each cigar quickly. This large cigar humidor is the perfect choice for anyone looking to store their cigars in the best possible conditions.
Detailed Product Features
- Humidity Range: 60% to 80% (± 2%)
- Materials: Steel, Tempered Glass, Cedar Wood
- Storage Capacity: Approximately 450 cigars
- Temperature Range: 50 to 64°F (± 1°F)
- Cooling Method: Electronic
- Shelves/Number of Layers: 4 layers
- Dimensions: 28.7 x 20.7 x 17.7 inches
- Rated Power: 70 W
- Voltage: 220 V
- Volume: 70 L
- Weight: 47.4 lbs