Precision Blades for Cigar Enthusiasts
Every cigar enthusiast understands that the quality of the cut greatly influences the smoking experience. This cigar cutter guarantees a perfect and clean incision, essential to fully enjoy the flavor and aroma of your cigars. Its sharp double blades ensure a precise cut without damaging the cigar, making it a preferred choice for connoisseurs.
High-Quality Design and Durability
Crafted with high-quality materials, this cigar cutter is built to last. The stainless steel blades resist corrosion and maintain their sharpness, while the opening and closing mechanism ensures smooth and efficient use. Its elegant design also makes it a beautiful object to own or to gift to a cigar aficionado.
Compatibility and Ease of Use
This cigar cutter is suitable for a wide range of cigar sizes, capable of handling a maximum diameter of 0.87 inches. It is extremely easy to use, with automatic opening and closing that requires minimal effort, allowing for a clean and quick cut every time. Its built-in safety button prevents accidents, making it both safe and practical.
Ready for Your Next Smoking Session
Order now and receive your cigar cutter within 5 days. Each order comes with an elegant leather case and an attractive box, perfect for gifting. Don't miss the chance to enhance your cigar smoking experience with this indispensable accessory, designed to offer the best performance and durability.
Main Features
- Materials: Stainless steel, ensuring durability and corrosion resistance.
- Opening and Closing: Automatic, ensuring easy and safe handling.
- Maximum Cigar Diameter: 0.87 inches, compatible with most cigars.
- Dimensions: 3.15 x 1.77 x 0.20 inches, compact and easy to carry.
- Colors: Available in blue and pink, adding a personal touch to your accessory.
- Weight: 3.17 oz, lightweight and manageable.
- Comes with a leather case and in an elegant box, perfect for gifting.