Enhance Your Cigar Tasting Experience with the Elegant Double Blade Cigar Cutter
For cigar enthusiasts, discover the elegant double blade cigar cutter, the essential tool that will transform your tasting sessions. Designed to provide a precise and clean cut, this cigar cutter is a must-have for any aficionado. Its double blade made of stainless steel ensures an efficient cut without damaging the cigar, guaranteeing an optimal experience with every use.
Sleek and Practical Design for Cigar Lovers
The slim design of our cigar cutter is not only elegant, but also extremely practical. Easy to carry, it fits effortlessly into your pocket or your travel cigar case. Its manual mechanism is simple to use, ensuring a hassle-free opening and closing, perfect for discerning connoisseurs and beginners alike.
Compatibility and Technical Specifications
Our cigar cutter is compatible with a wide range of cigar sizes, accommodating cigars up to 0.87 inches in diameter. The high-quality materials used in its manufacture, such as stainless steel grade EN 10020, ensure durability and reliability. Whether you are at home or on the go, this cigar cutter is the perfect accessory to enjoy your electric cigar humidor or your personal selection.
Order Now and Enjoy Free Standard Shipping
Don't wait any longer to enhance your tasting sessions! Order now and benefit from free standard shipping. Remember, this cigar cutter makes an excellent gift for the cigar enthusiasts in your life, combining functionality and style in one product.
Product Features
- Opening and closing: Manual / hassle-free
- Materials: Stainless steel Grade EN 10020
- Maximum cigar diameter: 0.87 inches
- Specifications: Double sharpened blades
- Dimensions: 3.74 x 1.57 x 0.20 inches
- Colors: Gold and Silver
- Weight: 2.47 oz
- Certified and Tested by - Cigar Gentleman -