Optimize Cigar Preservation with Unmatched Elegance
Discover the pinnacle of cigar preservation with our luxury cigar humidor, crafted for discerning aficionados who seek to blend functionality with sophisticated aesthetics. Thanks to its advanced humidification system, every cigar stored in this humidor enjoys optimal freshness and aroma. The high-precision hygrometer ensures the ideal humidity level, essential for maintaining the taste and quality of your prized cigars.
Exclusive Design for a Touch of Modernity
The unique design of this cigar humidor, with its carbon fiber finishes, is nothing short of impressive. It adds a modern touch to any interior while showcasing a distinctive style that will undoubtedly appeal to lovers of luxury and cigars. The interior made of cedar wood not only ensures optimal storage thanks to its natural anti-worm properties but also continuously enhances the bouquet of each cigar.
Capacity and Dimensions to Suit All Needs
This cigar humidor is not only beautiful but also practical. Capable of holding up to 50 cigars, it is perfectly sized for collectors and aficionados. With dimensions of 12.6 x 9 x 4.1 inches, it fits easily on a desk or in a bookshelf, remaining a decorative object that catches the eye and sparks conversation.
A Durable Investment with Easy Delivery
Investing in this cigar humidor means choosing a durable, high-quality product. Easy to maintain with just a damp cloth, it stays impeccable year after year. Additionally, we offer free standard shipping so you can enjoy your purchase without any extra hassle. An excellent value for money for a product that elevates every cigar enthusiast's experience.
Detailed Features
- Materials: Cedar Wood & Carbon Fiber Sheet
- Humidifier: Acrylic Polymer Crystals, Self-Regulating Humidity Level
- Hygrometer: Synthetic Hair, Pre-Calibrated, High Precision
- Design: High Quality, Carbon Fiber
- Closure System: Simple Push-Button
- Capacity: Up to 50 Cigars
- Dimensions: 12.6 x 9 x 4.1 inches
- Maintenance: Clean with Damp Cloth
- Weight: 13 lbs